Collection: Biotin

B vitamins play a crucial role in powering intricate pathways within the body, including the methylation process, a biochemical superhighway that occurs at a staggering rate of over 1 billion times per second. This pathway not only regulates the body's inflammatory response but also aids in the breakdown of food for energy production.

Biotin, in particular, serves a pivotal role in energy production as it acts as a coenzyme for carboxylases, enzymes essential for metabolizing fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into the body's energy source. Additionally, these enzymes facilitate vital processes such as gluconeogenesis, insulin release, fatty acid synthesis, and the conversion of branched-chain amino acids into neurotransmitters.

Obtaining biotin is contingent on dietary sources and supplements since the body cannot synthesise it internally. When ingested, protein-bound biotin is transformed into free biotin, absorbed in the small and large intestine, and subsequently enters the systemic circulation. From there, it is collected by the liver and eventually traverses the blood-brain barrier to access the central nervous system.

In Vitaroots, we combine biotin with collagen to further enhance its benefits for skin and hair health. Moreover, we include Vitamin B12 and B6 as part of the Vitamin B complex, recognizing that these B vitamins function synergistically to support methylation, brain function, and more.

Here are eight advantages associated with biotin:

  1. Hair Health Support: Biotin deficiency often leads to thinning hair and hair loss, making supplementation beneficial. Biotin's involvement in keratin production, the primary component of hair, is believed to naturally promote healthy hair growth. A small study even reported significant regrowth in women with thinning hair who took biotin supplements compared to a placebo group.

  2. Skin Health Promotion: Biotin contributes to fatty acid synthesis, which is vital for healthy skin, aiding in protection against environmental factors such as pollution and sun damage.

  3. Enhanced Nail Strength: Biotin has been shown to improve nail thickness and firmness in various human studies, with one study reporting a 25% increase in nail bed thickness for those taking biotin supplements compared to a placebo group.

  4. Immune System Support: Biotin is essential for white blood cell development, a crucial component of the immune system's defense against viruses and bacteria. Biotin deficiency is associated with a decline in T-regulatory cells, which help maintain immune balance.

  5. Cognitive Function Support: Biotin, in conjunction with other B vitamins, plays a role in neurotransmitter activity, protecting against neurodegenerative disorders and supporting cognitive function. It also contributes to mood regulation through hormone synthesis.

  6. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Biotin deficiency can increase pro-inflammatory cytokines, leading to inflammation. Supplementing with biotin has been shown to help maintain healthy levels of these cytokines.

  7. Heart Health Maintenance: Biotin is crucial for fat metabolism and can work alongside chromium to improve cholesterol levels. Research indicates that biotin supplementation can help maintain healthy blood triglyceride levels.

  8. Nutrient Breakdown Support: Biotin aids in the breakdown of nutrients within the body.

In summary, biotin plays a multifaceted role in maintaining various aspects of health, making it a valuable addition to one's dietary regimen.